These January 29-February 03, 2014, we
again celebrated the grandest and the most colorful festival of Ilocos Sur, the
KANNAWIDAN YLOCOS FESTIVAL 2014. This celebration aims to promote the culture,
belief and tradition of our region.
For this year's event, many activities
were done as we celebrated the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. It was started by a
concelebrated mass and procession in St. Paul Cathedral. It was followed by a
Dancing Fountain and Fireworks Display in Plaza Salcedo. We also had he the
Siglat Ilocandia Talent Search, which shows the Ilocanos what they got held at
Quirino Stadium. That was an exciting opening for the event. The days after
that was full of great activities and visitors particularly celebrities. But
the most trending topic for the BigueƱos and tourists was the carnaval and
Bargain standed at the Quirino Stadium.
If you wanna look
at the full schedule of the Kannawidan Festival, visit www.cheaptravelforwomen.com/2014/01/kannawidanfestival2014.html
For now, we are in the busy world. We're
currently in the "Information Age." Maybe, many of us are stress
right this season but it's up to us on how we handle all the situations we are
in. Just internalize the essence of the saying, "If you have 100 reasons
to be sad, then find 1 reason to smile." And when that reason was already
found, came and existed, grab the chance and don't waste it.
Enjoy life because God gave you that as
pretty you are.

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