Tuesday, January 14, 2014

my little reflection

My Little Reflection
By Christian Homer A. Buño
          For every grading period, we are learning something for a specific subject. And as for this grading period, I have learned such amazing things. First of it is on how to add an image to a web page using the image tag. That is very easy perhaps but has many attributes (src, alt, align, size,). Second is on how to connect a hyperlink to widen the information on your page. And the most interesting part is we created many essays about all the celebrations we are celebrating.
          Despite of all those things that I’ve learned so far, it is not escapable to have problems that I encountered. First is financial problem. Because we are lack of time, it’s not enough to use a single workstation only. So I planned to go to computer shop many times but the problem was I was even in lacked of money. And another one is perhaps our teacher was so busy that she didn’t have time to meet us and have a little discussion on the first days of the grading. We only are the one who executed the activities on our own.
          Every problem has a solution. And I faced those consequences within the grading period. I thank God for always guiding me. And for the financial problem, I addressed that with the help of my father of course. I finished all my requirements after the final exam. And for the second consequence we faced, there came our practice teacher to guide us on some our queries for our activity.
          Moving on to the next quarter of my fourth year life, I need still to strive harder just to make myself better than last year. I will make all my requirements on time and disregard those negative addiction.

true essence of christmas

True Essence
of Christmas

We are again in this special season of the year. This season is considered the season of joy, happiness, peace and love. This month, we celebrate the birth of Christ, our savior.
Christmas is a time to renew and start our love for everyone. It is very amazing when your love ones show their love and appreciation to you, right? All of you will attend the ‘Misa de Gallo’ 9 days before the Christmas. Children are roaming around to sing Christmas carols. And when the most awaiting evening will come, you are all facing each other facing to come up the so called ‘Buena Noche’ together. I love this month for this month, we can also take this opportunity to understand, forgive and accept those people having their sins to you. And all of that will be nothing without this true essence of Christmas which is love.

Christmas is for everyone. It doesn’t choose anyone or someone who will feel it. Being happy for Christmas is the greatest gift of God to us, people. So let’s cherish it in a free yet sinless way.

climate change

climate change

Nowadays, it is already unsure when we are predicting the weather. So actually, we definitely need a source of information when we want to know the weather condition at the given time.  But does the earth really have the concern on what is happening to our environment or it is only a human’s fault which is only reciprocating to us? It is the question of everybody that is factually answered already.
          May you look around? Observe your environment and try to balance the equilibrium on the ecosystem in your sight. As an observation, there is much building that was built nowadays compare to the trees that are being planted. An addition, those stupid people who continuously burning up rubbers and other chemicals which are now prohibited for the protection of the destroyed ozone layer. Yes, we all know that the ozone layer, which is our protection for the ultra-violent raise from the sun, is now destroyed. But still, we’re still obliged to stop that destruction to our Mother Earth. And as the result of that factuality, our whole environment is experiencing the so called “Climate Change.” It is the sudden change of our atmosphere. Sometimes, there may be wet to dry or vice versa. And that is all the result of human stupidity and foolishness respectively. Our ozone layer has been destroyed in view of the fact that we, people, are so fool that they’re always reminding us not to burn up plastics, rubbers, and other chemicals yet we’re doing it.
          Again, will you look around? Now, what is your action to protect our environment? We should protect it definitely so that at least, we’ll lessen the cause of climate change in our planet.
Former to Current Environment

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity

Equal Rights,
Equal Opportunity

                Filipino is in a democratic and free nation. So naturally we are free to do what we want to. But remember: Everything has a limitation: there is a right place and a right time for everything. But do you believe that people have a right too? Yes, we have. We have a right and an opportunity to grab
            People are the basic unit of the nation. Without us, this country will never progress. But because of the progression which we are wishing for, sometimes we forget the human rights and the emotions within the bodies of others.

               First and foremost, every individual has a right to live. Right to have life, enjoy it and make himself better. Next is the right to be protected. We must be secured every time. Free from bullying, harassments and depressions. The feeling of comfortability and freedom. The right to be educated. And right to be accepted.

            “To err is human.” But from that errance, let us earn a lesson, not a depression. We have a law in the court. So, fight for your right as long as you’re right.