Monday, October 7, 2013

Unravel the Causes, Build the Solution, Empower Science Clubbers through Action

Unravel the Causes, Build the Solution,
Empower Science Clubbers through Action

            Can you see your surroundings? We’re now in the modern world. Almost all of people use their gadgets to complete their day. Some have cell phones, some have their computers, and some also have their tablets. Technologies are everywhere. Nowadays, we can’t live without it right? It is now a part of our lives.
            Having this thing is very important in our generation. In view of the fact that we’re currently in a modern world. Gadgets and technologies are a source of information, entertainment and even inspiration. Moreover, it is also a very easy way to share your talent, emotions and feelings, reactions, part of your life, experiences and many more. It has a good effect because it makes our work faster, more attractive and even more comprehensive. But it also has a negative upshot. It may cause you into being indolent citizen. It may also cause many diseases and disorders to our body functions. Furthermore, it affects our culture and the way of our living.

            Again, having these things is very important nowadays. It may have a bad effect but it’s up to you if you let those out-turn happen. The future of our nation is in everyone’s hands. So lets do an action hand in hand for a vision of a bright and prosperous fate of our country.

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